It happened in 1452. A colossal volcanic explosion broke one island into five; for five years its dust pall blanketed the globe. What happened on the spot is a staggering story handed down for almost 500 years.
Tricked into an odious crime, a humble youth is punished and humiliated. Shamed, outraged, he vows revenge and obtains magic to destroy the island. Earthquakes begin and none can say if the cause is him, or the wrath of the ancestors for another reason. The catastrophe strikes before evacuation is complete.
By astounding luck, two young people survive the stupendous blast. Rescued, they live through the severity of the aftermath. Wed, they begin restoring life on the remnant of their former home. Their lifelong struggle brings success marred by human frailty and the cataclysm leaves beliefs deeply shaken.
Cataclysm is the Third in the SAGA OF PACIFIC ISLANDS series of novels.